Monday, February 22, 2010

Its a wrap ! Not!

Hello people that have been wondering where have I been for past few days,

As weeks passed, here I am, back in Subang. To experience 3 weeks of Bandar Hilir was profound -like Mos Def or Talib Kweli on poetry to me. Every corner, there was an opportunity for art to happen. As the city itself, a piece of an old, generously well kept canvas.

I plan to keep this site, though the project is complete. Any suggestions? One in mind currently, to keep taking photographs of the city, flourishing with great art by the road side, or the people, or the art scene itself. Do come with suggestions, I plan to be in Malacca ever month beginning next month for more art soul searching.

As we all know, all good things must come to end.

I feel this one just only begun.

Sunday, February 14, 2010

Immortalizing art.

Of course, nothing is forever.

It is in these artists that we know, they grow to inspire the community through their whimsical works of art. After many boats have passed by, the many passer-by that gawks, the stampede of vehicles passing through, I witnessed graffiti art, exposed, unfiltered, and uncensored, to the masses. We are now looking at a new landmark of the city.

I love how these relationships were built upon. The policy makers and the people, speak to each other with some artistic sense.

Or maybe I'm not making sense.

Whatever it is, I love this city.

Tuesday, February 9, 2010

46 / Guide to Street Art 101: Watch Street Art Movies

The work of an artist, always controversial, always visual. It sends messages. Directly or non-directly. I was once told that not all artist could draw well, but, the idea, the concept, makes the work seem honest, and best appreciated.

Here in Malaysia, we look down at people who couldn't draw, and through our faulty judging systems, we detach him from being an artist. What is sad, is we tell them that you're not artist enough through our lack of art education. I truly admire those who believe that creativity are the strength of their existence, which by default, are artists themselves, with no need for others to acknowledge.

I like to share some of the things I found about street art that just might get you to start to do one.


45 / Day 10: Completion week.

Good day art loving peeps.

As I observe the works of these great young artists, one thing did struck my mind. These guys must have been working on these medium for a very long time, as I witnessed speed in their work process. Usually, there would be thinking process, and so on so forth. But, I guess, most of the team members are kinda of used to working each other.

Anyway, the sun is back. It's torching. Not that bad, after the quick rain in the evening, which continues to feed cooling night, proceeding to a nice Air Batu Campur (ABC) somewhere I can't remember where it was.

The only left to complete the works is Sanjay. Pretty tough on his side, as he is doing it alone, with an exposed wall to extreme heat, and extreme rain. Let's pray he does his work well, shall we?

By the way, I heard some of the teams are coming back for tidying up their details on their work this week. I dont know precisely when, but do expect blazing speed of aerosols flying end of the week.

Note: The works are really really humongous.


44 / Sanjay: Details.

43 / Warna : Art Mobile.

42 / Sanjay: A Famosa in the hot sun.

41 / Random Photo: Safety Harnesses.

40 / They Art : Finishing touches

39 / Sanjay : Chillin for an overview and the rest from heat.

Monday, February 8, 2010

38 / Pixel Playground: Final touches.

37 / Super Sunday: Work in Final Progress.

36 / Random Photo : Cranes working .

35 / Pixel Playground: Paint Girls Don't Cry

34 / Phiber Wryte : Historical Scribed Funky

33 / They Art : Crane Supervisor and the artists.

32 / Pixel Playground : Conversations.

31 / Left Wing Painters: Phobia Klik, Warna, They Art, Pixel Playground, Super Sunday.

The view from the bridge, looking from Phobia Klik's wall. I must say, the scale is pretty enormous when you look at it from the other side of the river.

The other night, we had a white male caucasian, a passerby, impressed by the art work. He repeatedly said the same thing over and over again, 'Great work' for about 5 to 6 times. From the tone of his voice, he looks to be from one of the bars around.

I wonder, if these works could stand for more than 10 years.

Just a thought.

Saturday, February 6, 2010

Location of : Malacca River Art Project

Good day, art loving people!

Well, I have been thinking about it for quite sometime. I think, it's time to reveal the location of the project. Well, reason of being hesitant about it is that, I wouldn't want you to come without anything been done. How Apple is that? Hhh..

Cut the chase, the location is as below. Mail me at just in case you still can't understand the map clearer. I am at least online every 4 hours. :)

View Larger Map

See you there!

Thursday, February 4, 2010

Random Rant: Part 1

It already feels like a month, although it has only been 4 days of graffiti fest. The 35 degrees heat, all is forgotten as the artists work on their masterpieces, to give something back to the historic city of Malacca something present, fresh and new.

As I walk, experiencing the city, just how it was during my college days, I find it warm to see local and foreigners smile to each other, despite the ridiculous sun burning the town. I love the city at night. Jonker is Jonker. And we stayed at Heeren for one night, in a peranakan hotel, just to experience the rich cultural spaces.

Budget hotel sounds more realistic for us. Three weeks is a really long time.

By the way, McDonald offer 24 hours wi fi just incase you're here looking for free online surfing.
I'm here every night. Say hi if you see me around will you?

I hope you enjoy the pictures!


30 / Random Photo : Super Sunday's Crane

29 / Phobia Klik .. Ablution

28 / Pixel Playground

27 / Super Sunday .. Grow like a tree

26 / Random Photo : The Prime Minister Visit

25 / Phobia Klik .. One end of the wall

24 / SOAS

23 / Pixel Playground .. Playing safe

22 / Right Wing Painters : Intuisi, Warna, SOAS, Sanjay, Phiber Wryte

21 / Sanjay

Sanjay experimenting colors that makes A Famosa.

20 / Random photo : Batik Patched Jeans

Camera shy dude has batik patch on his jeans. Love the random fashion.

19 / Random Photo : Tea Aunty

This is a picture of a 70 year-old lady, pleading, to have her house to graffiti-sized. Pleasant with her grandchildren, she offers us tea, as we teased her looking like 35-year old lady.

Malacca is growing warm on me.

Monday, February 1, 2010